Julian Field
mailscanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Fri Oct 25 16:35:38 IST 2002
By the way, it will take considerably longer to write (2 spam) than to
write (1 virus).
Here, I do it with sendmail anyway, but it's not trivial to do it that way.
>Would people prefer
>1) Replace the content of messages containing "nasty" headers such as
>this, as if it was a virus
>2) Just flag is as spam and handle according to the normal "Spam Actions"
>I'm writing (1) at the moment, but it just occurred to me that (2) might
>be better.
>Your votes please...
>At 15:55 25/10/2002, you wrote:
>>Second this. I need to insert custom scores and custom filters, and I'm
>>not having any luck.
>>I suspect that I'm putting the local.rc file in the wrong place, and I
>>have not figured out
>>where it should go. The second possibility is that I'm completely off
>>base in how I go about
>>doing my thing, which I think is more likely than not.
>>On the other hand, it *might* be that since some of the local config
>>gets set during the call to SA,
>>the local file is completely ignored. I'm way out of my depth here, and
>>I'm not a perl programmer.
>> >>> tony.johansson at SVENSKAKYRKAN.SE 10/25/02 09:03AM >>>
>>Checkout http://www.sophos.com/virusinfo/articles/greetings.html
>>Not a virus, not spam - still a huge risk.
>>Could someone assist me with writing a rule that triggers on "You can
>>up your E-Card at the FriendGreetings.com" or similar
>>regards, Tony
>>ps: I'm using mailscanner 3.24-1 with spamassassin 2.43
Julian Field Teaching Systems Manager
jkf at ecs.soton.ac.uk Dept. of Electronics & Computer Science
Tel. 023 8059 2817 University of Southampton
Southampton SO17 1BJ
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