Possible Microsoft security vulnerability attack.

Mike Dunderdale mdunder at GE.UCL.AC.UK
Thu Oct 3 14:58:15 IST 2002

> I went for the simple solution of not allowing any iframe tags as that
> dispenses with the problem completely, and protects against future iframe
> exploits. There are quite a few of these already, and I can't see why there
> won't be any more.

Agreed - you should be able to trust your sources enough to be able to say
"I want all IFRAME tagged emails from these people. Until I know for
definite about other sources, then we won't allow them from those.."

Keep up the good work..


           Mike Dunderdale                |  tel: ++44 20 7679 2756
IT Systems Manager, Geomatic Engineering  |  fax: ++44 20 7380 0453
     mike.dunderdale at ge.ucl.ac.uk         |  mob: ++44 7939 455 245

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