Odd directory size

Howard Robinson howard at harper-adams.ac.uk
Wed Oct 2 16:14:41 IST 2002

This is possibly a silly question but here goes.
The following is the two entries /var/spool for the mailscanner
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     mail      1220608 Oct  2 15:56 mqueue
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     mail        24576 Oct  2 15:56 mqueue.in
All the other directories here and a random selection of other
directories seem to have a size of 4096.
Is this a sign of an error or has it something to do with the
volume of files it once held? Currently mqueue.in has 1 or 2 files
waiting to be scanned and mqueue had about ~100 files all small.
Also the date changes, does this reflect the last time the
directory was used? In NT and WS2000 the date & time reflect
when it was created. Is this a Redhat Linux feature?


Howard Robinson
(Senior Technical Development Officer)
Harper Adams University College

E-mail: hrobinson at harper-adams.ac.uk
Tel.  : +44(0)1952 820280 Via switchboard
      : +44(0)1952 815253 Direct line
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College Web site http://www.harper-adams.ac.uk

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