How to make rules work

Anders Andersson, IT andersan at LTKALMAR.SE
Sun Nov 24 13:28:00 GMT 2002

I can finally say I got my new servers up and running (thanks Julian &
I still have small changes to make, like figure out what to RBL to use etc.
Some are sendmail things but thats not for you to bother with...
and yes Julian, I will add my self to the list asap everything is finished

OK, this was my idea I cant figure out how to do.
I want all reports sent when mail come from local network and of course with
my swedish translation.
I allso want to send certain report to of site ppl if they come from *.se
The rest I will just send to /dev/null
Same goes for filetypes, certain domains could send us files and the rest
or some ppl are allowed to accept *.exe ie. technical workers.

Ive looked at samples but Im kinda lost whats the best way to get this
to work.

Looking at mailscanner.conf lets me switch to rules instead but how to write

a rule to use different messages?



Thanks again to Julian and crew  :)

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