Calling all translators

Willem Kuiters wkuiters at FREE.FR
Mon Nov 18 14:18:05 GMT 2002


On Mon, Nov 18, 2002 at 10:59:07AM +0100, Stijn Jonker wrote:

> Hello all,
> Here is my attempt at translating this file. I must admit it's harder then
> it looks. But i think it is reasonable.
> But if you are dutch also don't hesitate to check this, because i D0n,t
> meka mistakeS. ;-)

I added a few corrections and suggestions to the good work of Stijn. The
concerned lines are singled out.
  |\ /|          Willem G.J. Kuiters
  |0 0|
  (/"\)          ---  "The malicious have a dark happiness"   ---
 /     \         ---              -- Victor Hugo              ---
(( U U ))        ---                                          ---
 " " " "
                 --( 0.0.19)--
-------------- next part --------------
# This file contains all the word, phrases and sentences that are output
# to a user by MailScanner. They are all here so that you can translate
# them into your language.
# You should only edit what is on the right of each "=".
# If you set the "Language Strings" option in MailScanner.conf to be a
# ruleset (or even a function!) then you can output responses in different
# languages to different users and customers.

# Used in spam header
Blacklisted = blacklisted
Whitelisted = whitelisted
NotSpam = not spam
# used when creating VirusWarning.txt
TheEntireMessage = het gehele bericht
NotNamed = niet benoemd
# used for sysadmin notifications

NoticeSubject = Waarschuwing: E-mail virussen gevonden

FullHeadersAre = De volledige headers zijn
# used for delivering truly disinfected attachments
Disinfected = Gedesinfecteerd
# used for virus report in unparsable messages
CantAnalyze = Kon het bericht niet analyseren
# used for virus report in unparsable TNEF messages
BadTNEF = Kon de Outlook Rich Text bijlage niet verwerken
# used for creating sysadmin notifications

NoticeHeading = De volgende e-mail berichten blijken besmet met een virus

# used when SpamAssassin has timed out too often
SADisabled = Uitgeschakeld vanwege %d opeenvolgende timeouts
# used when message size exceeds configured SpamAssassin max message size

SATooLarge = Bericht groter dan maximale grootte voor spam test

# used when trying to use SpamAssassin on a bad message with no headers
SANoHeaders = Bericht bevatte geen headers
# used when creating SpamAssassin results header
score = score
required = vereist
SATimedOut = timed out
# used when creating reports for messages with dangerous content
PartialMessage = Gefragmenteerde berichten kunnen niet worden geanalyseerd en zijn daarom verwijderd
FoundIFrame = Gevaarlijke IFrame tag in HTML bericht gevonden
FoundObject = Gevaarlijke Object Codebase tag in HTML bericht gevonden

ExternalBody = Externe bericht inhoud kan niet worden gescanned en is daarom verwijderd

EudoraLongMIME = Eudora long-MIME-boundary aanval
# used when detecting denial-of-service attacks
DOSAttack = Denial of Service aanval in bericht!

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