Redhat 8.0 / command: service MailScanner status

Matthijs Althoff scouty at BROMBERG.DEMON.NL
Thu Nov 7 20:04:03 GMT 2002

On Wed, 6 Nov 2002 09:50:42 +0100, Florus Both <florusb at ASCIO.COM> wrote:

>Hi, do a
>Chkconfig sendmail off
>And try again, I guess sendmail was already running before you started
>mailscanner (this happens automagically after an install)

Not working still having a failure on sendmail outgoing. When I
did a reboot I noticed a error "/etc/rc6.d/K30MailScanner" and
at some times the error "We haven't got any child processes,
which isn't right!, No child processes at /usr/sbin/MailScanner
line 191. We have just tried to reap a process which wasn't one
of ours!, No child processes at /usr/sbin/MailScanner line 194."

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