iframe dilemma: a compromise?

Tal Kelrich tal at MUSICGENOME.COM
Wed Nov 6 14:28:04 GMT 2002

On Wed, 2002-11-06 at 14:38, Julian Field wrote:
> So, say you have
>          Allow IFrame Tags = yes
> but you also have a new option
>          Convert Dangerous HTML to Text = yes
> then the message contents would be allowed through (by the 1st option) but
> it would be stripped down to plain text (by the 2nd option). The definition
> of "Dangerous" in this context is HTML containing either IFrame tags or
> Object Codebase tags.
how about converting it into slightly less dangerous HTML? (assuming
users still want their HTML mail intact, which I think will mostly be
the case)
ie, turn IFRAME into DIV or something similar.

btw, I'm wondering if an IFRAME without a src attribute is still as
Tal Kelrich
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