MajorDomo Not working after MailScanner installed

Kham Vue kvue at WADSNET.COM
Fri May 24 12:45:26 IST 2002

If anyone can help me:

Here's the return MSG:
>   ----- The following addresses had transient non-fatal errors -----
>"|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper -v site2 -f  resend -l siteadmins
>    (expanded from: <siteadmins at>)
>   ----- Transcript of session follows -----
>wrapper: Trying to exec /usr/local/majordomo/resend failed: Permission denied
>    Did you define PERL correctly in the Makefile?
>    HOME is HOME=/usr/local/majordomo,
>    PATH is PATH=/bin:/usr/bin,
>    SHELL is SHELL=/bin/sh,
>    MAJORDOMO_CF is MAJORDOMO_CF=/usr/local/majordomo/
>451 "|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper -v site2 -f  resend -l
siteadmins siteadmins_site2-list"... Operating system >error
>Warning: message still undelivered after 4 hours

----- Original Message -----
> I have a Cobalt RAQ3.
> Majordomo is not working.  I emailed my mail groups and it goes nowhere.

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