Customize the virus message

Jethro R Binks jethro.binks at STRATH.AC.UK
Fri May 17 09:49:49 IST 2002

On Fri, 17 May 2002, Peter Peters wrote:

> >I really would like to say something to the extend of "Please die and make my life
> >easier"!
> Since the latest Klez outbreak this is not considered nice (to put it
> mildly) because over 90% of the sender-addresses are of innocent
> bystanders.

Heh.  I'd say sending "Please die and make my life easier" to anyone
regardless of their infection isn't very nice (to put it mildly)!

Uh-oh, it's Friday.


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Jethro R Binks                                   Computing Officer, IT Services
Mailmaster, Listmaster, Webmaster,       University Of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
Cachemaster                                           jethro.binks at

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