scanning of messages received using fetchmail

Rajesh Fowkar rajesh-shriram at GMX.NET
Mon May 13 16:13:23 IST 2002

On 12/05/02 at 14:26 - Nick Phillips said in public:
>On Mon, May 13, 2002 at 12:35:42AM +0000, Rajesh Fowkar wrote:
>> I am using procmail too. Hence I have got the following in /etc/fetchmailrc
>> mda "/usr/bin/procmail -d %s"
>Which means that *instead* of passing mail to port 25 for delivery, it passes
>it to procmail. So sendmail is not involved, and neither is mailscanner.
>So just don't tell fetchmail to use procmail. By default it will pass it
>to port 25...

Thanks. I will do that.

So does that mean, If I want to scan incoming mails than I cannot use
procmail for filtering the mail ?


Rajesh *  rajesh at  *
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