scanning of messages received using fetchmail

Rajesh Fowkar rajesh-shriram at GMX.NET
Mon May 13 01:35:42 IST 2002

On 11/05/02 at 19:27 - Julian Field said in public:
>At 22:57 12/05/2002, you wrote:
>>Through outgoing messaging are scanned by mailscanner. The messages which I
>>receive using fetchmail from my pop3 accounts are not scanned by
>>mailscanner. What am I doing wrong ?
>I'm not a fetchmail user, but what you need to do is to configure fetchmail
>to talk SMTP to localhost to deliver the messages it picks up from your
>pop3 accounts (which I believe is its default behaviour anyway).

I am using procmail too. Hence I have got the following in /etc/fetchmailrc

mda "/usr/bin/procmail -d %s"

>Make sure that sendmail is running, and is in daemon mode (i.e. it is
>listening for connections on port 25). Something like "ps ax | grep
>sendmail" should tell you that.

rajesh at debian:~/tmp$ ps ax |grep sendmail
  299 ?        S      0:00 sendmail: MTA: accepting connections
  302 ?        S      0:00 sendmail: MTA: Queue runner at 00:10:00 for /var/spool/mqueue
  698 pts/5    S      0:00 grep sendmail
rajesh at debian:~/tmp$

What should I do so that incoming mail is scanned. I am using
fetchmail/procmail to fetch and deliver mails and sendmail to send the

Thanks for the replies.


Rajesh *  rajesh at  *
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