Broken Return-Path: header

Julian Field jkf at
Thu May 9 12:17:59 IST 2002

If you are getting weird
         Return-Path: <$g>
headers in your mail from MailScanner, please can you try the following
patch and report back to me if it works.

*** /usr/local/mailscanner/mailscanner/bin/      Thu May  9
12:22:47 2002
---     Thu May  9 11:25:12 2002
*** 551,560 ****
--- 551,562 ----
         $InHeader = 1 if $Line =~ /^H/;
         ($InHeader=0),next unless $Line =~ /^[H\t ]/;
         $Line =~ s/^H//;
         # JKF 18/04/2001 Delete ?flags? for 0 or more flags for sendmail 8.11
         $Line =~ s/^\?[^?]*\?//;
+       # JKF 06/05/2002 Fix broken Return-Path: header bug
+       next if $Line =~ /^Return-Path:/i;
         push @results, $Line;
         if ($Line =~ /^Subject:\s+(\S.*)$/i) {
           $subject = $1;
           #print "Subject is \"$subject\"\n";
Julian Field                Teaching Systems Manager
jkf at         Dept. of Electronics & Computer Science
Tel. 023 8059 2817          University of Southampton
                             Southampton SO17 1BJ

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