Strange sendmail errors???

Gerry Doris gerry at
Wed May 8 16:25:18 IST 2002

Would the following sendmail errors have something to do with mailscanner???

Unusual System Events
May  8 09:32:06 tiger sendmail[6285]: g48DU6U06283: timeout waiting for
input from local during Draining InputMay  8 09:32:06 tiger sendmail[6289]: g48DU6U06288: timeout waiting for
input from local during Draining InputMay  8 09:32:06 tiger sendmail[6281]: g48DU6U06279: timeout waiting for
input from local during Draining Input

"The lyfe so short, the craft so long to learne" Chaucer

"The lyfe so short, the craft so long to learne" Chaucer

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