Qmail Support

Brandon Friedman brandonf at BFCONSULT.CO.ZA
Sun Jun 23 09:29:30 IST 2002

Well the best place to start is the qmail website....

There are alot of links on there..


Nick Phillips wrote:

> On Sat, Jun 22, 2002 at 05:21:09PM +0200, Brandon Friedman wrote:
>>Yes, I read the FAQ but I need direct qmail support!
>>I was just wondering if anybody has done some work on it or if there
>>are some pointers to try to get it to work?
> I don't know whether Julian has used qmail, but I certainly haven't.
> Without knowing how qmail handles its queues, it's difficult to know
> how easy (or otherwise) it would be to add support for it.
> If someone could point me at some documentation of qmail's queue formats
> and handling, then I could at least get some idea how difficult adding
> support for it is likely to be...
> Cheers,
> Nick
> --
> Nick Phillips -- nwp at lemon-computing.com
> You feel a whole lot more like you do now than you did when you used to.


Brandon Friedman
Cell:083 408 7840
E-mail: brandonf at bfconsult.co.za

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