mailscanner status command

Matt Doherty Matthew_doherty at DATAWATCH.COM
Fri Jun 21 14:05:21 IST 2002

looks to me that status failed the first time then second it worked..Before
the first time around, maybe a SIGHUP to sendmail was forgotten or kill -9
sendmail before running the new script .
Looks to me the second time around was perfect.. then again im a newbie :-)
  -----Original Message-----
  From: Dan Leavitt [mailto:dll at SCITOOLS.COM]
  Sent: Friday, June 21, 2002 9:15 AM
  Subject: Re: mailscanner status command

  This [sendmail] reference is apparently a symptom of the problem that I
  reported yesterday when the 'status' command twice indicated FAILED. Below
  are both the 'status' output and a 'ps ax' output.

  [root-dll at server1 ~]$ service mailscanner status
  Checking MailScanner daemons:
  MailScanner: [ OK ]
  incoming sendmail: [ OK ]
  outgoing sendmail: [FAILED]
  [root-dll at server1 ~]$ ps ax |grep -i mail
  6472 ? S 0:00 sendmail: accepting connections
  6475 ? S 0:00 [sendmail]
  15233 ? S 0:05 perl /usr/local/MailScanner/bin/mailscanner
  16960 ? S 0:00 sendmail: ./g5HEGoW29244

  Then, a stop, start, status and ps again. Note that it stopped the
  processes ok so it's not dependant on the 'ps ax' output for that.

  [root-dll at server1 ~]$ service mailscanner stop
  Shutting down MailScanner daemons:
  MailScanner: [ OK ]
  incoming sendmail: [ OK ]
  outgoing sendmail: [ OK ]
  [root-dll at server1 ~]$ service mailscanner start
  Starting MailScanner daemons:
  incoming sendmail: [ OK ]
  outgoing sendmail: [ OK ]
  MailScanner: [ OK ]
  [root-dll at server1 ~]$ service mailscanner status
  Checking MailScanner daemons:
  MailScanner: [ OK ]
  incoming sendmail: [ OK ]
  outgoing sendmail: [ OK ]
  [root-dll at server1 ~]$ !ps
  ps ax | grep -i mail
  17325 ? S 0:00 sendmail: accepting connections
  17328 ? S 0:00 /usr/sbin/sendmail -q15m
  17331 ? S 0:00 sendmail: ./g5HEGoW29244
  17337 ? S 0:00 perl /usr/local/MailScanner/bin/mailscanner
  [root-dll at server1 ~]$


  ----- Original Message -----
  From: "Dave Horsfall" <dave at ESI.COM.AU>
  Sent: Friday, June 21, 2002 7:50 AM
  Subject: Re: mailscanner status command

  > On Fri, 21 Jun 2002, Nick Phillips wrote:
  > > > 679 ? S 0:00 [sendmail]
  > >
  > > In a situation where you've asked ps to show arguments etc., it goes
  > > that to indicate that it can't, for whatever reason. That's what POSIX
  > > says it's supposed to do, anyway...
  > Mostly because it's been swapped out.
  > > Today is National Existential Ennui Awareness Day.
  > Who cares :-)
  > --
  > Dave Horsfall DTM VK2KFU dave at Ph: +61 2 9906-3377 Fx:
  > (Unix Guru) Pacific ESI, Unit 22, 8 Campbell St, Artarmon, NSW 2065,

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