README.exim installation instructions make error mails

Willem Kuiters wkuiters at FREE.FR
Fri Jun 14 15:41:16 IST 2002


On Fri, Jun 14, 2002 at 11:53:47AM +0200, Vincent Meoc wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm using mailscanner(debian package 3.13.2-2) with exim (Debian package, version 3.35) on 3 different servers since few times (2 weeks)
> and on each of them after 2 days of production I got some errors about
> the defer director.
> Here is an example :
> /var/log/exim/mainlog/
> 2002-06-13 07:40:01 17INKp-0004YI-00 == userx at
> D=defer_director defer (-1): forced defer: All deliveries are deferred
> 2002-06-13 07:40:01 17INKp-0004YI-00 ** userx at
> retry timeout exceeded
> 2002-06-13 07:40:01 17INKz-0004cu-00 <= <> R=17INKp-0004YI-00 U=mail
> P=local S=31327
> 2002-06-13 07:40:01 17INKp-0004YI-00 Error message sent to
> alerte at
> or in the same file :
> 2002-06-13 11:50:01 17IREs-0006LI-00 == some_users at
> R=defer_router defer (-1): remote host address is the local host
> 2002-06-13 11:50:01 17IREs-0006LI-00 ** some_users at
> retry timeout exceeded
> 2002-06-13 11:50:01 17IREv-0006LS-00 <= <> R=17IREs-0006LI-00 U=mail
> P=local S=3108
> 2002-06-13 11:50:01 17IREs-0006LI-00 Error message sent to
> yuser at

OK, this looks like a DNS related problem. I recently had the same error
messages and somehow fixed them by changing /etc/hosts. I am terribly
sorry that I do not remember exactly what I did. That should teach me to be
more precise in the future and keep records of the solutions I sometimes

 () ()          ---     "Definition of "creativity": To see what     ---
 (° °)          ---     everyone else sees but to have different     ---
 /\ /\          ---          thoughts about it" -- Einstein          ---
(  "  )
 "   "-----/    ---                 ( 0.0.19)                 ---

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