
Administrateur Systeme sysadmin at DMS.UMONTREAL.CA
Tue Jun 4 15:43:36 IST 2002

On Tue, Jun 04, 2002 at 04:26:10PM +0200, Willem Kuiters wrote:
> Hello,
> Since a few days "^M" gets attached at the end of the header lines of the
> mail I receive on this machine. They don't seem to cause any harm but I
> still want to know what they mean. I suspect they have something to do
> with the interpretation of signs indicating the end of a line or a
> carriage return.  Is that right? I use Linux (Debian) with the latest
> version of Mailscanner packaged for Woody.
> Can this have something to do with Mailscanner or should I look completely
> elswhere?
> Willem

If you just upgraded this is probably because the text files in mailscanner/etc
were written on a windows machine. Try running dos2unix on them that should
ger rid of the symbol.

                     Christopher Albert
            Responsable des services informatiques
         Departement de mathematiques et de statistique
                  Universite de Montreal

           bureau 6188, Pavillon Andre-Aisenstadt
          Tel: (514) 343-2281  Fax: (514) 343-5700

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