Mailscanner statistics

Kelly Hamlin fizz at BOMB.NET
Thu Jul 18 14:29:03 IST 2002

Something aint right :)

Here is your output..
Virus / spam statistics
Period Jul 18 00:10:04  -> Jul 18 09:47:09

Total e-mails scanned        : 5143
Total bytes scanned          : 82572529
Total seconds                : 2554
Total virusses detected      : 151
Total spams tagged           :
Timespan (seconds)           : 34625

Total SpamAssassin           :
Total SpamAssassin score     :
Total Infinite-Monkeys       :
Total Osirusoft              :
Total ORDB-RBL               :
Total WIREHUB-DNSBL          :

Viruses found (top 10):

                  sunline.pif: 4
                         .pif: 4
                   CONTRI.pif: 2
                   target.pif: 2
                    Dmixs.pif: 2
                  bgcolor.pif: 2
                    WIDTH.pif: 2
                  without.pif: 2
                           of: 2
                         this: 2

Heres my output..

--Total Mail: 33027
--Total Spam: 11590
--Total Virii: 748

                ( o o )
| [Kelly Hamlin]
| support at
|   .oooO
|      (  )    Oooo.
+---   (----(   )----------------------------+
          \_)    ) /

-----Original Message-----
From: MailScanner mailing list [mailto:MAILSCANNER at JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On
Behalf Of Joris Trooster / Interstroom
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 8:14 AM
Subject: Mailscanner statistics


I changed the script from Peter Peters (thanks!), to include virus
statistics. Example output: /var/log/mail.log
Virus / spam statistics
Period Jul 14 06:48:23  -> Jul 18 13:50:03

Total e-mails scanned        : 1132
Total bytes scanned          : 12230878
Total seconds                : 96
Total virusses detected      : 82
Total spams tagged           : 91
Timespan (seconds)           : 370900

Total SpamAssassin           : 79
Total SpamAssassin score     : 1003
Total Infinite-Monkeys       : 3
Total Osirusoft              : 13
Total ORDB-RBL               : 7
Total WIREHUB-DNSBL          : 2

Viruses found (top 10):

          Exploit-MIME.gen.b.: 23
                W32/Klez.h at MM: 21
                W32/Yaha.g at MM: 10
             goldfish.mp3.scr: 5
                    VALUE.pif: 2
                     TYPE.pif: 2
                     Ilvd.scr: 1
                     NAME.bat: 1
                      new.bat: 1
                    align.scr: 1

To have the virus information included you need add a few lines to as explained in the file (attachment). The script only extracts
information from the mailscanner log, so the script should work with
both exim and sendmail.


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