sendmail 8.12 and mailscanner

Mojahedul Hoque Abul Hasanat mojahed at AGNI.COM
Thu Jul 18 06:02:23 IST 2002

On Wed, Jul 17, 2002 at 09:40:50PM +0100, Julian Field wrote:
> So it doesn't use the clientmqueue directory at all. As far as I can
> see the clientmqueue directory is only used for messages submitted by
> invoking the sendmail binary directly. MailScanner has *never*
> supported the sendmail binary being invoked directly

Umm, but doesn't it call sendmail to send the notifications?

clientmqueue is used by the submission agent when it can not deliver a
mail immediately, e.g. DNS timeouts and other temporary problems.  You
have to run a separate queue runner to flush the mails from clientmqueue
periodically.  A typical way to run it is:

  /usr/sbin/sendmail -L sm-msp-queue -Ac -q20m

As far as I know, this queue runner will send the mails to the sendmail
daemon running on the local machine through SMTP.  So, you don't need to
worry, your mails will end up in mailscanners incoming queue.  Just
remember to run this queue runner if you have locally generated mails.

System Administrator, Agni Systems Limited

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