SV: Newbie question.. mailscanner fail to start with mcafee

Gerry Doris gerry at DORFAM.CA
Fri Jul 5 15:20:54 IST 2002

On Fri, 5 Jul 2002, Anders Andersson, IT wrote:

> >I've installed the mailscanner
> >RedHat Linux RPM package version 3.21-1
> >and the latest McAfee uvscan to my comp
> >
> >The installation of Mailscanner passed without
> >any errors and I change the mailscann.conf
> >to point to mcafee
> >
> >But when I try to start it I get the following msg
> >
> >root at knubbis root]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/mailscanner start
> >Starting MailScanner daemons:
> >          incoming sendmail: [  OK  ]
> >          outgoing sendmail: [  OK  ]
> >          MailScanner:       Configuration file
> /opt/sophos/bin/sophoswrapper
> >could not be opened for reading! at /usr/local/MailScanner/bin/
> >line 64.
> >[  OK  ]
> >
> >I tried to change the line in to use mcafee
> >but no change.
> >>You shouldn't be editing that at all.
> I changed it back, I just tried it but it didnt help
> >Since Im not good at script I dont wanna mess around so Im
> >hoping you can give me some information
> >Packages are instlled under
> >/usr/local/Mailscanner
> >/usr/local/uvscan
> >>You say you changed "mailscann.conf". That's not what the configuration
> >>file is called, it's "mailscanner.conf".
> Sorry, a typo from me
> I changed the lines in mailscanner.conf to use mcaffe
> Virus scanner = mcafee
> mcafee = /usr/local/uvscann/mcafeewrapper

Do you have any mention of Sophos in mailscanner.conf that isn't commented
out?  That should be the only reason mailscanner is trying to use Sophos.

The only time I see messages about Sophos on my system (I use f-prot) is
after I do an update of mailscanner.  It happily adds an entry to update
Sophos in /etc/cron.daily that I have to go back and delete.


"The lyfe so short, the craft so long to learne"  Chaucer

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