Best AntiVirus to use w/ Mailscanner

Francois Caen FCaen at CI.LAKEWOOD.WA.US
Tue Jul 2 16:18:00 IST 2002

-----Original Message-----
From: mailscanner at ECS.SOTON.AC.UK 
Subject: Re: [MAILSCANNER] Best AntiVirus to use w/ Mailscanner

> Sophos <snip>

Julian, may I ask why you recommend Sophos over all the others? Is it because it's the one MS was originally designed for or something similar? Is it actually better than the others?

> Other one to look at is F-Prot as they charge per server (only about $300) 
> which will be a lot less than Sophos of McAfee will want. 

I have had a lot of success with F-Prot myself, on 2 different sites. The per-server licensing makes it by far the cheapest of all solutions. They even have a discount for non-profits.

Francois Caen
Network Information Systems Engineer - Webmaster
City of Lakewood, WA
(253) 512-2269

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