Outgoing & relayed email

Edward Mitchell ed at THE7THBEER.COM
Wed Jan 30 17:08:49 GMT 2002

As an addendum, I've found MailScanner *incredibly* useful in helping out
smaller sites that I backup MX for.  This is especially since I've
noticed(perhaps the trend is old, but I've not come across it till
recently) spammers pulling MX records, specifically non-domain backup MX's
and using them for spamming from resolvable domains.

> MailScanner will scan all mail that comes into your server via the SMTP
> port (port 25). So configure your system so that outgoing mail comes in via
> this route and it will get scanned. Without knowing more about your setup,
> it's hard to say any more than that.
> --
> Julian Field                Teaching Systems Manager
> jkf at ecs.soton.ac.uk         Dept. of Electronics & Computer Science
> Tel. 023 8059 2817          University of Southampton
>                              Southampton SO17 1BJ

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