Excluding Certain Recipients
Christopher Hicks
chicks at CHICKS.NET
Sun Jan 6 20:44:11 GMT 2002
On Fri, 4 Jan 2002, Julian Field wrote:
> At 20:41 03/01/2002, you wrote:
> >Maybe so, but I'm currently using mailscanner primarily for anti-spam and
> >I've got the virus chunk of things cut off on all my production machines.
> >I don't want to run the virus software without paying for it. :)
> Agreed, this isn't a situation I had come across before. Maybe a
> feature for the next version...
I think there's an opportunity here for a more general feature. For
instance, it'd be nice if certain recipients could be designated to delete
spam instead of tagging spam. MailScanner's ability to tag spam without
deleting it is its most important feature for me personally. However, we
have lots of users for whom we forward mail to their local mail server
that they POP from, and some of those users would prefer for us to delete
their spam instead of them filtering it out. If I can avoid having to
teach some in-duh-viduals how to setup filters in their mail programs it
will make my life much easier too. :-)
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