Mcafee AutoUpdate Script

Joan Bryan joan.bryan at KCL.AC.UK
Fri Feb 8 10:54:50 GMT 2002


> When I run the autoupdate script it downloads the files into a direcotry
> of the current date okay but it returns a message that says a target has
> not been specified for scanning.  How can I specify a directory?

I don't think it is necessary to specify a target as the autoupdate script
is checking whether the dat files have been correctly downloaded, by running
the uvscan command.
However you can specify a target file with pathname (as in the mcafeewrapper
e.g. uvscan -d /usr/local/mcafee /export/home/myfile.

uvscan -h gives all the options. One useful option is uvscan --version which
gives the versions of the mcafee data files in use.

Incidentally the dat files downloaded by autoupdate need to be moved to the
correct location
so I added 2 lines at
 (line 54)   my($cp) = '/usr/bin/cp';

 (line 119) system("$cp -pf $DATlink/*.dat $mcafeeroot");


Joan Bryan
C&IT Services
Unix System Team
King's College London
020 7848 2671
mailto:joan.bryan at

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