Spamassassin Timeout!

Martin Sapsed m.sapsed at BANGOR.AC.UK
Wed Feb 6 10:43:43 GMT 2002

Quentin et al,

Quentin Campbell wrote:
> If you look at the README file that comes with SpamAssassin it explains
> that  several tests in the SpamAssassin configuration file are turned
> off by default. These tests include the MAPS RBL, RSS and DUL stuff.
> They are disabled by having a score of zero in the
> /usr/local/share/spamassassin/ file we have at our site.

Ah yes, the README file - doh! Mega apologies for disturbing people...

While we on the scores, do any of you tweak the SA default scores? There
appear to be some things which SA gives only a point or 2 to but which I
would have thought would be a dead giveaway for spam? I guess they've
worked most out from lots more experience than I have though...

> You can disable other SpamAssassin tests by putting a "#" symbol at the
> start of the line in the appropriate SpamAssassin configuration file
> thus turning the test into a comment.

Julian mentioned the obvious line in the prefs file too...

> Note, however, that UK academic sites have free access to the JANET
> negotiated RBL+ facility at It is this site
> that I have specified on the "Spam List = MAPS-RBL+" line in
> mailscanner.conf.

I noticed that I had got the Janet one commented - must have missed that in
an upgrade...

> The MAPS-RBL+ test in MailScanner is working for us and any spam
> detected this way by MailScanner has the header
> "X-MailScanner-SpamCheck: MAPS-RBL+" inserted. I look for this header in
> my personal mail filter and detect 3-6 spam messages a day.

Will see if I get anymore that way.

BTW, if MailScanner gets a hit from spamassassin does it skip its own RBL
checks or does it do them in parallel or anyway or something?

> I hope this is of some assistance.

indeed - thanks



Martin Sapsed                           To have no errors
Information Services                    Would be life without meaning
University of Wales, Bangor, LL57 2UX   No struggle, no joy.
Fax: +44 (0)1248 383826

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