Installling v4 needs xxxkb on / filesystem

David While David.While at UCE.AC.UK
Mon Dec 23 15:30:57 GMT 2002

Do you use the redhat updater to keep your system up to date?? If so you
probably have a number of copies of the kernel and all its files occupying
space in /lib/modules (I know I certainly did!). You can safely uninstall
the old kernels that you are no longer using - if memory serves me then
RH7.3 has a -3 kernel whereas the latest update is -19.7

To remove you need to do:

 rpm -e kernel2.4.18-3

this should free up some space (about 30Mbytes per kernel) on / filesystem.

David While
Technical Development Manager
Faculty of Computing, Information & English
University of Central England
Tel: 0121 331 6211

                      Ian Ee
                      <email-ian at POST1.        To:       MAILSCANNER at JISCMAIL.AC.UK
                      COM>                     cc:
                      Sent by:                 Subject:  Installling v4 needs xxxkb on / filesystem
                      mailing list
                      <MAILSCANNER at JISC

                      23/12/2002 14:57
                      Please respond to
                      mailing list


I've been trying to install the v4 via rpm on a RH 7.3 system but the
installation quit with this message "installing package mailscanner-4.10-1
needs 764Kb on the / filesystem"

I did a 'df' to check '/' and found that it is fully used. I could not find
any reason for '/' to be 100% used but is there any way around this besides
installing via the other 'tar' file?

Thanks for the help!

Merry Chistmas everyone!!

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