Max SpamAssassin Size question

Dale Lovelace dlovelace at HOTELS.COM
Tue Dec 17 21:21:34 GMT 2002

  Yes, if I have mails that big that are spam I will probably take some
kind of action, but this action is the VP that is directly over me
seeing those nifty headers I told him he could look at saying "(Message
larger than max testing size)". He needs a warm fuzzy SpamAssassin

  Besides, I have a 4 processor 2.4ghz machine with 1.5 gigs of ram, 3
36 gig 10000 RPM drives in a Raid 5 on a Perc controller, and gigabit
Ethernet coming from multiple T3 lines :-)

  Dale Lovelace
  System Administrator
  (214) 361-7311 Ext. 1074

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matt Kettler [mailto:mkettler at EVI-INC.COM]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 3:13 PM
> Subject: Re: Max SpamAssassin Size question
> Also of note, it's inadvisable to run any such huge files through
> SpamAssassin without carefully considering the consequences, the load
> the CPU from doing so is very high and you run the risk of backlogging
> your
> mail queue if your server gets a lot of email.
> If you honestly have a spammer sending you >10mbyte emails, you need
> start taking some very drastic measures to ensure they are shut down.
> received some "large" ones, which have embedded images and such, but
> is pretty insane.
>   It's also quite unlikely that a real spammer would send such a mail,
> since it would take longer for them to send it and increase the
chances of
> their mail being shut down before the thousands (or millions) of
copies of
> the email could be delivered. Even on a 45mbit/sec T3, that's about 2
> seconds of full-wire-speed per email to be delivered. Such things
don't go
> un-noticed if there's a lot of them. Even a mere 10,000 email
> would take 5 hours to complete. If my mailserver was chewing up that
> bandwidth, for that long, you can be sure it would be a giant red
> >>   How can I scan all messages no matter what the size?
> >
> >Only by setting a very large max limit.
> >--
> >Julian Field
> >
> >MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support


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