OT: /etc/aliases

Sylvain Phaneuf sylvain.phaneuf at IMSU.OXFORD.AC.UK
Mon Dec 16 14:57:47 GMT 2002

I am a new MailScanner user and I am very impressed with it to say the least...  

Can someone help on a slightly off topic issue?  We use MailScanner to scan mail then it relays it to our main mail server, a GroupWise system on Netware box, with an entry in /etc/mail/mailertable. All works well. But we would like to use the opportunity of the unix box on which MailScanner runs to take care of some of the re-direction we need to do for people who have left us. I am not very good with unix, but I now that in normal circumstances, putting the entries in /etc/aliases would allow us to re-direct the mail to the outside world. Unfortunaley, no entries in /etc/aliases seem to work - probably because of the entry in mailertable.  Is there something I can do to be able to use /etc/aliases?

Thanks in advance.


Sylvain Phaneuf --- Computing Manager   | phone : +44 (0)1865 221323
Information Management Services Unit   (Clinical School) 
Oxford University                               | email : sylvain.phaneuf at imsu.ox.ac.uk 
Room 3A25B John Radcliffe Hospital      | fax :  +44 (0) 1865 221322
Oxford   OX3 9DU   England

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