forgot possible small bug for clamav

Julian Field mailscanner at
Mon Dec 16 14:18:38 GMT 2002

At 14:14 16/12/2002, you wrote:
>forgot to put this in for clamav users.  If you install clamav from rpm for
>Linux it ends up as /usr/bin but mailscanner has it as /usr/local/bin which
>will obviously give you an error you just need to change the 2 clamav files
>in /usr/lib/MailScannerto correct this.  Maybe I am the only one.

I have changed this for the next release.

>How is progress going on clamav becoming supported code? - what are the
>conditions needed for this to happen?

I basically need to see that it has been thoroughly tested again nasty
filenames, archives with nasty filenames, archives containing archives
containing archives containing nasty filenames, stuff like that.
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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