Announce: mailscanner-mrtg version 0.03 is out!

Ryan Pitt ryan at MARINOCRANE.COM
Thu Dec 12 21:10:22 GMT 2002

My entry was removed also on Redhat 7.2.
Thank you for your effort in putting this together for us.
I knew I had to get this MRTG stuff working at some point, so you saved
me a whole bunch of work.
Keep it up!

Only thing I have seen so far that seems odd is the "Bytes of Mail
Processed" is showing nothing even though there is activity on the
server.  Do I need to be logging extra info in order for this graph to
be populated?


Mike Zanker wrote:

> On 12 December 2002 15:54 -0500 Denis Beauchemin
> <Denis.Beauchemin at USHERBROOKE.CA> wrote:
>> Great software!  One problem upgrading from 0.02 to 0.03: it didn't
>> clear the entry in /etc/crontab but created a new one in
>> /etc/cron.d...
> That's odd - it removed the old entry from /etc/crontab on my machine.
> Great work Dale!
> Mike.

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