4.10-1: /etc/cron.daily/check_MailScanner

Quentin Campbell Q.G.Campbell at NEWCASTLE.AC.UK
Fri Dec 6 08:23:53 GMT 2002


[root at cheviot4 cron.hourly]# cat check_MailScanner


# the lockfile is not meant to be perfect, it's just in case the
# two makewhatis cron scripts get run close to each other to keep
# them from stepping on each other's toes.  The worst that will
# happen is that they will temporarily corrupt the database...
[ -f $LOCKFILE ] && exit 0
trap "rm -f $LOCKFILE" EXIT
/usr/sbin/check_MailScanner >/dev/null 2>&1
exit 0

Most of the code/comments in the above file seems to be irrelevant. The
comments bear no relationship to the LOCKFILE you actually use. Why
the comments (which are lifted from /etc/cron.daily/makewhatis.cron &
/etc/cron.weekly/makewhatis.cron on a RedHat system)?

Where else is your lock, LOCKFILE=/var/lock/check_Mailscanner.lock, used?

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