Odd Question

Derek Buttineau derek at csolve.net
Tue Aug 6 22:30:41 IST 2002

Sorry if this has been asked before.. I attempted looking through the
archives.. both my own personal and web based but couldn't seem to see
anything similar.

The question.. or rather the situation I have is this:

In a situation where MailScanner is scanning on a per account basis for
Spam.. if there are multiple recipients all headed towards the same MX with
users that have different spam delivery methods (IE.. Some are set to delete
and some are set to deliver).. the message will be delivered to all
recipients if even one of the recipients is set to deliver.. (IE.. if there
are 8 recipients.. 7 set to delete, one to deliver.. the message will be
delivered)..  I need to see if it's possible to deliver the message to only
the one person that wants it delivered, and not deliver the remaining 7.

What I'm wondering, and I may be off base, as unfortunately my knowledge of
Mime is somewhat lacking.. is if the header info of the message could be
rewritten to exclude those recipients who have chosen not to receive the

If anyone has any thoughts or suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated.



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