f-prot linux workstation version

Paul Welsh paul-w at BLUEYONDER.CO.UK
Tue Apr 23 09:05:03 IST 2002

> Date:    Mon, 22 Apr 2002 14:41:08 -0400
> From:    Kurt Yoder <kylist at SHCORP.COM>
> Subject: f-prot linux workstation version
> I just bought f-prot antivirus scanner for linux workstation. It was 80$,
> and no "per-mailbox protected" licensing schemes as with mcafee/sophos. It
> 1. I wanted to let people know f-secure works and is *cheap*, especially
> thousands of users/mailboxes

Correct me if I'm wrong, but  presumably you are running this on a server
and not a workstation.  Therefore, you should buy the server version of

To deliberately buy a workstation version and run it on a server might be a
cheap way of doing things, but it's breaking the spirit if not the letter of
your licence agreement and it's not what an IT professional should be doing.

Anyhow, the f-prot web site
(http://www.f-prot.com/f-prot/products/fplin.html) refers to only 3 licence
options for its Linux product:

1. F-Prot Linux for Small Business, $300 per server.  I'm using this with
2. A free version of F-Prot Linux for Small Business for "personal" users
"when used on personal workstations".
3. F-Prot Linux for Enterprise Business, $450 per server.

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