Sophos / McAfee

Martin Sapsed m.sapsed at BANGOR.AC.UK
Mon Apr 15 15:35:41 IST 2002

Quentin Campbell wrote:
> I would be grateful for the _exact_ name of the Sophos anti-virus
> software product that is being run with MailScanner on Linux (RedHat
> 7.2) boxes? I need this detail to pass to the person here who negotiates
> the purchase of software licences for this site.
> We are seeking an 18,000 user licence for this particular Sophos AV
> software and would welcome any information on what other UK academic
> sites are paying for the product. I am happy to receive this info
> off-line and in confidence if that is necessary.

CHEST have negotiated a deal for UK Educational Institutions with Sophos
which gives site licensing at what seem to be quite reasonable rates. Check
out the software agreements on the Chest site.



Martin Sapsed                           To have no errors
Information Services                    Would be life without meaning
University of Wales, Bangor, LL57 2UX   No struggle, no joy.
Fax: +44 (0)1248 383826

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