Spam email tagging

Patterson, S R S.R.Patterson at SOTON.AC.UK
Thu Sep 27 11:34:07 IST 2001


Having finally got around to implementing the latest version of
mailscanner (and Jules tells us there's another one to come!) I've had
an issue raised by one of our users.

The problem is that they regularly correspond with one or two people
who work for remote universities at which the admins have not secured
the mail servers.  This means that these users' email is consistently
marked as spam.  The user was concerned that they might accidentally
hit "reply" or "forward" and not delete the spam tag from the subject
line before sending the mail on to somebody important.

His suggestion was that we should be able to "white list" individual
email addresses and never mark them.  I realise that there is already
a facility to never mark email from certain IP ranges but this
wouldn't be appropriate.

How simple would it be to add a file of white-listed sender addresses
to mailscanner, any email from one of these addresses to never be
marked with a {SPAM?} tag?

Steven Patterson, MSci ----------------------------------------------+
|       Electronic Information Systems Support and Development       |
|         Computing Services, University of Southampton, UK.         |
+-------------------------------------------- Tel: +44 (0) 2380 595810
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..       Conviction is a bigger enemy of the truth than lies.       ..
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