other virus scanners

David Atkin dave at NONSTOP-NETWORKS.CO.UK
Tue Oct 23 01:05:26 IST 2001

Would it be easy to make it use more than one virus scanner, and maybe run
them in parallel for each message?

For a belt-and-braces approach...

Dave Atkin, NonStop Networks Ltd
Tel: 01904 425406

----- Original Message -----
From: "Julian Field" <jkf at ECS.SOTON.AC.UK>
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 3:26 AM
Subject: Re: other virus scanners

> At 10:03 22/10/2001, you wrote:
> >How easy is it to get mailscanner to use other virus scanners?
> >We are thinking of using CA's inoculate.
> >Is there a script file I can manipulate?
> Everything to do with the scanner is in sweep.pl. Basically you need to
> 1) Work out all the command-line options needed
> 2) Write a little parser that pulls out the names of the infected files,
> along with the virus reports for them.
> There's code already in there for Sophos and Mcafee, so you should be able
> to copy what I've already written.
> If you get it working nicely, I would be grateful of the code to put in
> distribution. If you need a hand writing it, send me some output from
> inoculate and I'll show you what the regular expressions and code should
> look like.
> --
> Julian Field                Teaching Systems Manager
> jkf at ecs.soton.ac.uk         Dept. of Electronics & Computer Science
> Tel. 023 8059 2817          University of Southampton
>                              Southampton SO17 1BJ

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