Mailscanner Newbie Questions

Julian Field jkf at
Tue Oct 9 11:14:58 IST 2001

At 01:50 09/10/2001, you wrote:
>         My understanding is that mailscanner goes ahead and starts up 2
>sendmail processes as evidenced by the /etc/rc.d/init.d/mailscanner
>startup script:
>/usr/sbin/sendmail -bd -ODeliveryMode=queueonly \
>         -OQueueDirectory=/var/spool/
>/usr/sbin/sendmail -q15m
>I assume the first one is for the incoming mail-queue, and that the second
>one is for the outgoing mail-queue.


>I am running a standard RedHat 7.1 file, w/ the addition of
>RBL support.

But you just told me you overwrote your file with one supplied
with MailScanner! What *are* you running with?

>  By default, this should disable open-relaying. However, when
>I connect to this system, I can relay. If I gank the from my
>working mail-server which REJECTS relays unless added into the
>/etc/mail/access file, it STILL allows relay from anywhere on the
>mailscanner system.

Define what you mean by "anywhere on the mailscanner system".

>It has been a while since I have worked with Sendmail, but does the fact
>that you are specifying options on the command line override what is set
>in the /etc/ file?

Yes. It overrides the options supplied, i.e. just the queue directory and
the delivery mode. It has no effect on sendmail's relaying controls, that's
a sendmail problem, nothing to do with MailScanner.
Julian Field                Teaching Systems Manager
jkf at         Dept. of Electronics & Computer Science
Tel. 023 8059 2817          University of Southampton
                             Southampton SO17 1BJ

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