<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /></head><body><div data-html-editor-font-wrapper="true" style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px;"> <br>Hi Mailscanner friends,<br><br>is there any progress to make MailScanner usable as a postfix milter?<br>The most biggest problem I have is, SPAM is not possible to reject when reaching a high score at MTA level. For my understanding, connect via milter instead of queue ^HOLD would be the solution.<br><br>For the next decade we are still using MailScanner instead of others like Rspamd, because MailScanner is like a mail suite for mail security, but if there will never be the possibility to reject at MTA level the high score spam, we will also change in 1-3 years while replacing the OS beyond.<br><signature></signature> </div></body></html>