<div dir="ltr">Hi:<br><br>Today I got some emails that had attached images containing unwanted material<br><br><br>My MailScanner tagged it as clean <br><br>RBL did not find tag the domain or IP as black list ( I use spamhaus-zen and CBL)<br>
<br>SA scores were as follows<br><table class="sa_rules_report" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr><td>0.10</td><td>RDNS_NONE</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>2.90</td><td>TVD_SPACE_RATIO</td></tr></tbody></table><br>The body was empty only an attachment of a jpg image containing the unwanted material <br><br>I use RBL test and SA no bayes or MCP<br><br>1- How can detect such messages?<br>
<br>2- Can anyone explain a little bit what MCP does and when or why do I need it. All I read is what was written in the MailScanner.conf documentation and that it uses another copy of SA to rescan the body (attachments are part of the body, correct me if I misunderstand attachments), doesn't SA already scan the body?? why scan again the same thing with different rules? why not have all these rules under SA in the first place and do one full scan? please shed some light so I can understand the mechanism <br>
<br>Thanks<br><br>Best Regards<br><br>Monis<br><br></div>