We are a fairly small company and I have just recently installed MailScanner on my web server and have it screening all of our incoming mail and then forwarding on to our Exchange 2000 server. I am running MailScanner 4.74.16 on Suse 10.1.<br>
<br>We have 3 main users receiving email on the system. 1 user gets a bit of email with {Spam?} in the subject line. Another user gets a fair amount of it. And the third gets a lot. I've looked over all of the emails and MailScanner is absolutely correct in that everything labeled "{Spam?}" is truly spam. I have searched but am just not finding how I can have MailScanner dump this stuff to the quarantine instaed of forwarding on to Exchange. I'd rather not have Exchange processing all of this as it is such a dog.<br>
<br>Thanks,<br>Mark <br>