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Hi <br>I am running Mailscanner/Mailwatch I am facing the
following problem. A lot of emails are passing through my incoming
spam filter camouflaged as NDR. Stating subject such as "Message Could
Not Be Delivered" and "User not available". I clearly know this is spam
because I closely monitor outgoing emails and all is fine there.<br>What
can I do so that those emails are marked as Spam correctly instead of
reaching Outlook as System Administrator messages. Their scores are
almost always below 2.<br><br>Some of the originating email servers are :<br><br><a href="http://map.ttn.ru/" target="_blank">map.ttn.ru</a><br><a href="http://relay.tpn.ru/" target="_blank">relay.tpn.ru</a><br><a href="http://earth.sysprog.spb.ru/" target="_blank">earth.sysprog.spb.ru</a><br>
<a href="http://mail.couo.ru/" target="_blank">mail.couo.ru</a> <br><a href="http://mint.ldsoft.ru/" target="_blank">mint.ldsoft.ru</a><br><br>Can I block those server ?<br><br>Thanks</div>