>Dave Jones a écrit :<br>>><br>>> >> You can reinstall MailScanner but you will still have the same perl<br>>> >> conflicts next time a perl module gets updated on RPMforge (or<br>>> >> whatever your repo is that has the conflicting package).<br>
>> >><br>>> >> I would simply force the install of the perl modules (I do it all the<br>>> >> time) with the conflict from the MailScanner installation:<br>>> >><br>>> >> # rpm -Uhv --force<br>
>> >> /var/cache/yum/rpmforge/packages/perl-Sys-Syslog-0.18-1.rpm<br>>> >><br>>> >> Substitute "rpmforge" above with whatever your repository name is and<br>>> >> the RPM file in question.<br>
>> >><br>>> >> Dave<br>>> >><br>>> >> --<br>>> >> Dave Jones<br>>> >Dave,<br>>> ><br>>> >It didn't work on my RHEL 5.2 server:<br>
>> >[root@smtps ~]# rpm -Uvh --force<br>>> >/var/cache/yum/rhel-i386-server-5/packages/perl-5.8.8-10.el5_2.3.i386.rpm<br>>> >/etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/files/file_contexts: Multiple same<br>
>> >specifications for /usr/local/lost\+found/.*.<br>>> >/etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/files/file_contexts: Multiple same<br>>> >specifications for /usr/local/\.journal.<br>>> >/etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/files/file_contexts: Multiple same<br>
>> >specifications for /usr/local/lost\+found.<br>>> >Preparing... ###########################################<br>>> >[100%]<br>>> >1:perl ###########################################<br>
>> >[100%]<br>>> >[root@smtps ~]# MailScanner --lint<br>>> ><br>>> ><br>>> >**** ERROR: You must upgrade your perl IO module to at least<br>>> >**** ERROR: version 1.2301 or MailScanner will not work!<br>
>> ><br>>> >I am now reinstalling the following MS' RPMs: perl-IO perl-File-Temp<br>>> >perl-Math-BigInt perl-Math-BigRat perl-bignum<br>>> ><br>>> >Denis<br>>><br>>> Sounds like you might have SELinux active. Run "getenforce" and if it<br>
>> is "Enforcing" then run "setenforce 0" to make it "Permissive". Then<br>>> run your command again.<br>>><br>>> If permissive mode allows the package install command to work with<br>
>> --force, then disable SELinux or try your hand at updating the SELinux<br>>> policy that is preventing it from installing. RHEL 5 is supposed to<br>>> be much easier to customize SELinux policies but I haven't played with<br>
>> it yet. I still just disable it during the install and go...<br>>><br>>> --<br>>> Dave Jones<br>><br>>Dave,<br>><br>>It is disabled on all my servers (I just checked and getenforce returns<br>
>Disabled)... I see the "selinux" messages all the time whenever I<br>>install or upgrade an RPM... to the point where I don't even pay any<br>>attention to them... could have been the reason I had problem, though!<br>
><br>>Denis<br>Now that I see your repo is "rhel-i386-server-5" then there could be a few<br>other things it could be. What repos do you have installed and active? If<br>you have RPMforge installed (which every CentOS box should have), it may<br>
overlap some packages with with the RHEL repo. We install RPMforge on our<br>RHEL boxes but keep it disabled (/etc/yum.repos.d/rpmforge.repo). Then we<br>only enable it for specific packages from the command line with the <br>
"--enable-repo=rpmforge" option.<br><br>On a RHEL server like yours, the perl packages should come from the RHEL<br>repo to keep everything clean. Is it possible that perl was updated or<br>installed from another source? You might try removing and reinstalling perl<br>
after making sure that the only active repo is "rhel-i386-server-5."<br>-- <br>Dave Jones