>> >Thanks but is there a way to avoid reinstall mailscanner ? It's a<br>>> production<br>>> >server and I would prefer to not reinstall if it's possible.<br>>><br>>> >thanks<br>
>><br>>><br>>><br>>> >rpm -e perl-Sys-Syslog<br>>> >then up2date -u<br>>> >then re-install MailScanner.<br>>><br>>> >Marcello Anderlini Database Informatica wrote:<br>
>> >> Hello I've a mailscanner *Le Service des Technologies de<br>>> l'Information de l'UdeS veut vous mettre en garde contre "<a href=""></a>"<br>>> qui semble être une tentative de fraude envers* <a href=""></a><br>
>> <<a href=""></a>> running on a Centos 4.6 x86_64.<br>>> >> Today I've tried to update my sistem but I get this error msg:<br>>> >> =======================================<br>
>> >> Transaction Check Error:<br>>> >> file /usr/lib64/perl5/5.8.5/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/Sys/Syslog.pm<br>>> >> from install of perl-5.8.5-36.el4_6.3 conflicts with file from package<br>
>> >> perl-Sys-Syslog-0.18-1<br>>> >> file<br>>> >> /usr/lib64/perl5/5.8.5/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/auto/Sys/Syslog/Syslo<br>>> >> g.so from install of perl-5.8.5-36.el4_6.3 conflicts with file from<br>
>> >> package<br>>> >> perl-Sys-Syslog-0.18-1<br>>> >> =======================================<br>>> >><br>>> >> Could someone help me ?<br>>> >><br>
>> >> Thanks<br>>> >><br>>> >> Dr. Marcello Anderlini<br>>> >> <a href="mailto:m.anderlini@database.it">m.anderlini@database.it</a> <mailto:<a href="mailto:m.anderlini@database.it">m.anderlini@database.it</a>><br>
>> >> ---------------------------------------------<br>>> >> Database Informatica S.r.l.<br>>> >> Microsoft Certified Partner<br>>> >> Tel. +39059775070<br>>> >> Fax. +39059779545<br>
>> >> <a href="http://www.database.it">http://www.database.it</a> <<a href="http://www.database.it/">http://www.database.it/</a>><br>>> >> ---------------------------------------------<br>>> >><br>
>> >><br>>> >><br>>> You can reinstall MailScanner but you will still have the same perl<br>>> conflicts next time a perl module gets updated on RPMforge (or<br>>> whatever your repo is that has the conflicting package).<br>
>><br>>> I would simply force the install of the perl modules (I do it all the<br>>> time) with the conflict from the MailScanner installation:<br>>><br>>> # rpm -Uhv --force<br>>> /var/cache/yum/rpmforge/packages/perl-Sys-Syslog-0.18-1.rpm<br>
>><br>>> Substitute "rpmforge" above with whatever your repository name is and<br>>> the RPM file in question.<br>>><br>>> Dave<br>>><br>>> --<br>>> Dave Jones<br>
>Dave,<br>><br>>It didn't work on my RHEL 5.2 server:<br>>[root@smtps ~]# rpm -Uvh --force<br>>/var/cache/yum/rhel-i386-server-5/packages/perl-5.8.8-10.el5_2.3.i386.rpm<br>>/etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/files/file_contexts: Multiple same<br>
>specifications for /usr/local/lost\+found/.*.<br>>/etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/files/file_contexts: Multiple same<br>>specifications for /usr/local/\.journal.<br>>/etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/files/file_contexts: Multiple same<br>
>specifications for /usr/local/lost\+found.<br>>Preparing... ###########################################<br>>[100%]<br> >1:perl ###########################################<br>
>[100%]<br>>[root@smtps ~]# MailScanner --lint<br>><br>><br>>**** ERROR: You must upgrade your perl IO module to at least<br>>**** ERROR: version 1.2301 or MailScanner will not work!<br>><br>>I am now reinstalling the following MS' RPMs: perl-IO perl-File-Temp<br>
>perl-Math-BigInt perl-Math-BigRat perl-bignum<br>><br>>Denis<br><br>Sounds like you might have SELinux active. Run "getenforce" and if it is "Enforcing" then run "setenforce 0" to make it "Permissive". Then run your command again.<br>
<br>If permissive mode allows the package install command to work with --force, then disable SELinux or try your hand at updating the SELinux policy that is preventing it from installing. RHEL 5 is supposed to be much easier to customize SELinux policies but I haven't played with it yet. I still just disable it during the install and go...<br clear="all">
<br>-- <br>Dave Jones