Hi..<br><br>I'm using Mailscanner-4.69, Postfix-2.45 with OpenSuse 10.3..<br><br>Recently we keep seeing this message in /var/log/messages..<br>Apr 30 16:29:54 MailScanner: Process did not exit cleanly, returned 9 with signal 0<br>Apr 30 16:30:50 syslog-ng[2760]: last message repeated 9 times<br><br>and coincidently the servers which is getting this message is delaying many messages in queue. sometimes up to 700+ messages in one time. Some of the users complained that they have to wait for 3 hours to get new emails that was sent to them.<br><br>This is the output of MailScanner --lint and MailScanner --debug<br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">MailScanner --lint</span><br>Trying to setlogsock(unix)<br>Read 819 hostnames from the phishing whitelist<br>Read 4078 hostnames from the phishing blacklist<br>Checking version numbers...<br>Version number in MailScanner.conf (4.69.7) is correct.<br><br>Your envelope_sender_header in spam.assassin.prefs.conf is
correct.<br>MailScanner setting GID to (51)<br>MailScanner setting UID to (51)<br><br>Checking for SpamAssassin errors (if you use it)...<br>SpamAssassin temporary working directory is /var/spool/MailScanner/incoming/SpamAssassin-Temp<br>SpamAssassin temp dir = /var/spool/MailScanner/incoming/SpamAssassin-Temp<br>Using SpamAssassin results cache<br>Connected to SpamAssassin cache database<br>SpamAssassin reported no errors.<br>ClamAV scanner using unrar command /usr/bin/unrar<br>Using locktype = posix<br>MailScanner.conf says "Virus Scanners = clamav"<br>Found these virus scanners installed: clamav<br>===========================================================================<br>Virus and Content Scanning: Starting<br>LibClamAV Warning: **************************************************<br>LibClamAV Warning: *** The virus database is older than 7 days. ***<br>LibClamAV Warning: *** Please update it
IMMEDIATELY! ***<br>LibClamAV Warning: **************************************************<br>/var/spool/MailScanner/incoming/16219/./1/eicar.com: Eicar-Test-Signature FOUND<br><br>Virus Scanning: ClamAV found 1 infections<br>Infected message 1 came from<br>Virus Scanning: Found 1 viruses<br>Filename Checks: (1 eicar.com)<br>Other Checks: Found 1 problems<br>===========================================================================<br>Virus Scanner test reports:<br>ClamAV said "eicar.com contains Eicar-Test-Signature"<br><br>If any of your virus scanners (clamav)<br>are not listed there, you should check that they are installed correctly<br>and that MailScanner is finding them correctly via its virus.scanners.conf.<br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">MailScanner --debug</span><br>In Debugging mode, not forking...<br>Trying to setlogsock(unix)<br>SpamAssassin temp dir =
/var/spool/MailScanner/incoming/SpamAssassin-Temp<br>Building a message batch to scan...<br>Have a batch of 10 messages.<br>max message size is '40k'<br>max message size is '40k'<br>max message size is '40k'<br>max message size is '40k'<br>max message size is '40k'<br>max message size is '40k'<br>max message size is '40k'<br>max message size is '40k'<br>Error PPS:0<br><br><br><p> 
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