<FONT face="Default Sans Serif,Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size=2><div><FONT size=2><P><STRONG><U>MailWatch Question</U></STRONG></P><P>I have posted to the Mailwatch List but got now reposonse so I was wondering if someon here might be abale to help.</P><P>I can add users email addressess into the database and they can log in and look at a report for that particualr email address. I was wondering if it would be possible to include another fieild in the user creation page that is called aliases and then I could the email aliases to the database as well and people would be able to log in with one email address and generate a report for all the aliases linked to that particular email address. this can also then be used by the quarantine report. </FONT><BR><BR><FONT size=2>Is this at all possible.</FONT><BR><BR><BR><FONT size=2>Carinus</FONT><FONT size=3> </FONT></P></div></FONT>Disclaimer TEST<br /><p><br />
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