I am using MailScanner 4.46.2. I only have a simple setup on
MailScanner to check for virus by Sophos, no antispamming and
anti-phishing function. Recently I have a new customer who at
each day end send a mail which have a rar file, but the rar file have
hundreds of dbf files (more than 500 files). I suppose this
customer is backing up their DB each day.<br>
It seems that our MS will unrar the "member" files one by one and scan
one by one. The mail processing will last around 1.5 hour each
day, although the "Unrar Timeout" parameter is already set at 50 (I
checked the code the timeout of SafePipe function only guard unraring
one member file in the rar file, but not guard the total time of
unraring of the member files) . I am no much care about this
client, but when a MS process take a number of other mails to process,
the others mail will also be delayed.<br>
Currently I have to stop MS, dequeue the mail manually, and start MS again....It is better to delay other mails.<br>
Is there a new version/configuration of MS that help fixing the
problem, either guarding the total time to process the mail or release
the lock for other mails for other MS process when time exceed, or some
other methods that can help?<br>