hey friends,<br>
I am using MailScanner version 4.4 on Fedora Core 3 with Postfix 2.15.
I am very much satisfied with the MailScanner now I want to make few
changes in MailScanner like<br>
a) Adding Disclaimer for outgoing messages.<br>
b) I want to forward all the messages marked as spam to a user and at
the same time don't want to send the copy to the recipient(The forward
does send a copy to the recipient).<br>
c) There are few ex employees of our company on whose ids we keep on
getting spam , I want to ban or reject the mails send to their mail ids.<br>
d) Is there any way I can reject the mails based on subject header for
example if a mail contains subject line as "sex" , I don't want to
deliver mails containing such messages.<br>
I know most of these questions are very simple to answer or they might
be mentioned in the documentation but as my mail server is on
production server I don't want to take any chances .<br>
I am using Spam Assassin with Clamav.<br>
Please let me know if you need any further inputs.<br>
Thanks & Regards<br>
Ankush Grover<br>