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Hi list.
<p>Hope this have been resolved before, if not, I'd like read your advice:
<p>I'm trying set up a Debian mail server with Exim 3.35 and Mailscanner
3.13.2; the clients are Netscape Messenger 4.78 & 6 on WinXX. Everything
seems to be OK, except for the automatic function for saving
a copy of outgoing messages on Sent folder. Netscape fails this with a
message like " the command has not finish correctly. The server response
is APPEND[TRYCREATE] failed." I accept the warning box and the message
is delivered.
<br>I've checked the owner and group permisions, the content of <i>.mailboxlist</i>,
and config options for Exim and Mailscanner.
<p>If this matter has been resolved, please tell me how was treated
'cause I'd searched the list archive and found nothing.
<br> Jose Antonio Pérez</html>