Install without prompts

Maarten mailscanner at
Sun Feb 26 20:38:59 UTC 2023

I wrote out my mailserver setup in Ansible and I was able to deploy 
mailscanner without it asking for prompts.
Here's the task that run the ms-configure command for me:

- name: Install - Run ms-configure
   command: |
     /usr/sbin/ms-configure --MTA=postfix --installEPEL=N
     --installClamav=Y --configClamav=Y --installTNEF=Y
     --installUnrar=Y --installCPAN=Y --installDf=Y
     --ignoreDeps=N --SELPermissive=N --ramdiskSize=0

Just run "ms-configure --help" to check the options that are available, 
you should be able to work with that.

On 2021-12-11 09:22, Peter wrote:
> Is it possible to install MailScanner and bypass the prompts or feed 
> the
> answers somehow?
> I am scripting building a server and it's a pain that I always have to 
> come
> back and answer the questions about TNEF, cpan etc. then wait for 
> another
> while mainly for the cpan stuff to happen.
> Which raises another question, is there a repo that has more of the
> required perl modules for RHEL 8?
> Cheers.

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