Action Required - Configuration Change

Thom van der Boon thom at
Thu Jan 6 11:37:57 UTC 2022


try command "service mailscanner restart" 

And take look at /var/log/syslog 

Is postfix/sendmail/exim running? 

Restart that service as well 
And take look at /var/log/syslog 

Met vriendelijke groet, Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Best regards, 

Thom van der Boon 
E-Mail: thom at 

Van: "Remco Barendse" <mailscanner at> 
Aan: "MailScanner Discussion" <mailscanner at> 
Verzonden: Donderdag 6 januari 2022 11:44:21 
Onderwerp: Re: Action Required - Configuration Change 

How / where / what should I change? 

My MailScanner stopped working this morning, the log states it keeps 
crashing on every message that is thrown at it. MailScanner --lint doesn't 
come up with any error, could that be because of this change? 

On Tue, 4 Jan 2022, Jerry Benton wrote: 

> Due to a complaint from Amazon, I had to remove the default image used as the "Web Bug Replacement" in the default MailScanner configuration. The default image is a 1x1 spacer.gif hosted on my AWS account. Apparently Amazon thinks I 
> am spamming the world. You will need to update your configurations to use a different image as I have removed the default. 
> Shawn, 
> When you have a moment please update the source to remove that pointer. I believe the original was just “spacer.gif” with no source URL. 
> - 
> Jerry Benton 

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